About Clarananda™
The Clarananda™ Nature Retreat is a small blissful place where people gather to transform themselves to a new level of Self Mastery through clear conscious communication with others, Self and nature.
An ocean front private property, Clarananda™ is nestled among three acres of beautiful desert forest and the foothills of the Sierra Laguna Mountains. Conscious of the beneficial effects of being in nature, we have made sustainable operations our priority. The synergies between the natural environment and the Yoga / Meditation, Wellness Retreats and Trainings we hold helps to connect participants with their inner stillness for opitimal relaxation, natural Wellbeing and rejuvenation.
Clarananda™ is an easy 10 minute walk to a 7 mile white sandy secluded beach, powered by solar energy, and surrounded by a wide variety of lush greenery, Clarananda™ provides the ultimate location for a magical Retreat / Training or personal Wellness experience. It is a peaceful and tranquil space, with fresh sea breezes, the sounds of the ocean waves, cow bells, sea lions and the occasional distant sounds of local ranch animals. To the West, Clarananda™ has a view of the Pacific ocean, complete with humpback and grey whale sightings, dolphins, other sea creatures and magical Baja sunsets. Clarananda™ rests at the foothills of the Sierra Laguna Mountains with easy hiking access, amazing mountain views and a warming morning sunrise.
The stargazing is incredible and at times we can see both the southern cross and the big dipper at the same time. During the moon cycle - Luna crosses directly over Clarananda™ making for an enlightening experience. Come and experience the beauty of Baja and this special place we call Clarananda - where the desert meets the sea.